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An exclusive study conducted by Flower Campings & MadeInVote reveals a significant gap between the desire of the French to practice sustainable tourism. This gap is in contrast to the reality of their actions when they go on vacation. This barometer reveals five paradoxes.

 The paradox of ambiguity: although 46% of French people say they take sustainability into account when planning their holidays, 76% admit that they have little or no understanding of what sustainable tourism means.

The traveling paradox: while most French people recognize the importance of green transport for sustainable tourism, 54% continue to use internal combustion engine cars for summer travel.

The destination paradox: a third of French people say they travel less for environmental reasons. However, once they’ve arrived at their destination, they take this sustainable dimension into account.

The sensitivity paradox: despite a growing awareness of the impact of tourism on the environment, 7 out of 10 French people say they are no more sensitive to environmental issues on holiday than in their daily lives.

The information paradox: despite the willingness of accommodation providers to offer more sustainable tourism, most French people (64%) feel that this information is not sufficiently promoted.

These paradoxes reveal a real schizophrenia on the part of the French, who are now genuinely aware of sustainable tourism but are not yet acting on their commitment. Nevertheless, the study points to several ways to encourage adopting more environmentally friendly practices. These include rethinking travel habits, improving information and label readability, offering eco-friendly accommodation, and promoting tourism development away from densely populated areas.

The key to a more sustainable future for tourism in France lies in increased awareness, clear information, and joint action by all stakeholders in the sector.

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