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The upward trend in tourism is expected to continue in 2024, as 65% of travelers in Europe and the Middle East are planning to maintain or increase their travel budgets, according to a report by IPSOS.

The report identifies key trends influencing European travelers’ summer vacation plans. The first trend indicates that travelers intend to keep spending the same this year.

Despite global economic challenges, most travelers in the region say they will maintain or increase their travel budget compared to last year. More than half of UAE travelers even plan to spend more.

In Europe, 62% of travelers in the UK, 73% in Germany, 62% in Spain, and 52% in France anticipate maintaining or increasing their travel spending. Additionally, for 8% of respondents, 2024 will be the year of the “trip of a lifetime.”

Weather conditions, ranking second in importance (50%) for travelers in the region, are a crucial factor in travel decisions, surpassing both transportation costs (42%) and the range of experiences on offer at the destination (also 42%).

Despite uncertain summer weather, nearly one in three (61%) German consumers consider weather important when choosing a travel destination, compared to 45% of French travelers, 47% of British travelers, and 48% of Spanish and Emirati travelers.

The third trend mentioned in the report highlights the increasing desire to take a break from busy daily work life. While some travelers seek adventure this year, the majority (42%) prefer to take a break and relax. This is particularly true for French (45%), British (41%), and German (52%) travelers, who consider relaxation their primary motivation for traveling.

The report underscores the resilience of the local travel market, with domestic travel set to be a significant trend in 2024. A substantial three out of four (73%) Spanish travelers are planning leisure trips within their own country, a trend similarly observed in France (75%) and among travelers in the United Kingdom (73%), United Arab Emirates (68%), and Germany (63%).

At the same time, 42% of respondents in the region consider transportation costs a significant deciding factor, along with accommodation costs, which are of particular concern to Spanish travelers (61%).

In addition to interest in domestic travel, over half (55%) of the region’s consumers plan to travel abroad, with 35% intending to visit a new destination. French and British travelers are most interested in exploring new destinations, with 43% and 42%, respectively.

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