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Italy has become one of the most popular destinations for weddings, with varied trends in requests from foreign countries. In 2023, there was an increase in demand for weddings in Italy from U.S. couples, but there was also significant growth in requests from Australian, Canadian, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Singaporean, and Indonesian couples.

Inflation pressure affected the average budget of wedding events, which increased from around 54 thousand to 59 thousand euros. However, foreign couples’ choices were not affected. They mainly celebrated their weddings in Italy with a symbolic rite and held the events in villas, period residences, farmhouses, castles, and villages.

It is estimated that over 13,600 marriages of foreign couples took place in Italy in 2023, a 22.3% increase compared to 2022. Tourist presences closely linked to the celebrations are estimated at over 2.4 million overnight stays, representing a 19.5% increase. The survey also revealed a rise in the average number of event participants (60.7).

Generally, the market’s seasonality remains relatively constant, with the only significant difference being a more excellent distribution of events in the “shoulder” periods, namely the first and fourth quarters of the year.

Compared to 2022, the average length of stay for spouses and guests has decreased from 3.3 nights to 2.9 nights. This trend may be due to the need to reduce expenses following the inflation surge and general price increases that have characterized the year.

However, the average number of ceremony guests has increased from 55.6 to 60.7. The proportion of ceremonies with a guest count between 51 and 100 is significant, rising to 63% from 41.3% in 2022.

In 2023, there was a rise in the number of wedding requests made in Italy by couples from the U.S. This confirmed Italy as the main reference target for weddings. There has also been an increase in demand from couples from non-European markets such as Australia, Canada, India, China, Mexico, Singapore, and Indonesia.

However, there are signs of a slowdown or adjustment in the wedding in Italy, as requested by couples from European countries. This has decreased their market share to 52% from 57% in 2022. Most requests came from couples in the United Kingdom and Germany, but both countries showed a slight decrease compared to last year. On the other hand, requests from Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Lithuania have significantly increased. There has also been growing interest from French, Irish, Spanish, and Belgian couples.

The estimated average expenditure per wedding event in 2023 is 59,000 euros, which is about 10% more than in 2022, when it was 53,800 euros. The events falling under the first three average budget bands (up to 10,000 euros, from 10,000 to 25,000 euros, and from 25,000 to 50,000 euros) are decreasing and losing around 18 percentage points. This is in favor of the higher budget bands.

The sector’s estimated turnover in 2023 is 802.7 million euros, which is 34% more than the estimated value in 2022 (599 million euros). This would confirm strengthening the offering system on the main international markets.

It has been reported that the 2024 wedding market trends in Italy are perceived positively by companies based on the bookings they have acquired and their knowledge of the market, even if the growth rates are expected to slow down. In fact, out of the sample of companies surveyed, 43.8% expect an increase in requests next year, while only 7.3% of entrepreneurs reported a decrease. The estimated increase is around 8.8%, equivalent to approximately 1,200 more events. The markets that showed particular dynamism during the previous year are expected to have the best expectations for 2024.

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